if(!database.connected()) database.connect("ORACLE", "2:ORCL", "CUB", "CREEK", "") if (!database.connected()) write("Error: Unable to connect to database.") else
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cursor = database.cursor("select count(partnumber)count from versitex.product where upper(description) like upper ('%" + request.search + "%') "); cursor.next(); client.count = cursor.count; cursor.close(); maxThisPage = parseInt(request.rowRef) + 19; beginRow = request.rowRef; beginRowPreviousPage = request.rowRef - 20; write(""); write(""); write(""); if(client.PriceLevel == null) { cursor = database.cursor("select (rownum)rowcount, id, partnumber, sub, c5desc, description, to_char(((consumerprice)/(" + client.cex + ")),'999,999.99')price from versitex.product where upper(description) like upper ('%" + request.search + "%') ") } else { cursor = database.cursor("select (rownum)rowcount, id, partnumber, sub, c5desc, description, to_char(((" + client.PriceLevel + ")/(" + client.cex + ")),'999,999.99')price from versitex.product where upper(description) like upper ('%" + request.search + "%') ") } var f = 0; var i = 0; var rowLoopRef = parseInt(request.rowRef); while(cursor.next()) { if(i == maxThisPage) break if(cursor.rowcount == rowLoopRef) { if(f == 0) { if(cursor.c5desc != 'C') { write("") } else { write("") } f++; } else { if(cursor.c5desc != 'C') { write("") } else { write("") } f = 0; } rowLoopRef++; } else { } i++; } cursor.close(); if(client.count == 0) { write("") } else{ write(""); } write("
" + cursor.rowcount + "." + cursor.description + "Details" + client.csymbol + "" + cursor.price + "
" + cursor.rowcount + "." + cursor.description + "Details" + client.csymbol + "" + cursor.price + "
" + cursor.rowcount + "." + cursor.description + "Details" + client.csymbol + "" + cursor.price + "
" + cursor.rowcount + "." + cursor.description + "Details" + client.csymbol + "" + cursor.price + "
We were unable to find exact matches for your search: " + request.search + "

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  • Entering Guides finds all items containing the word guides in the description.
  • Entering bass finds all the items with bass in the description.
  • Entering Tops%Silicon Carbide finds all items with tops followed by the exact phrase silicon carbide in the description.
"); if(maxThisPage < client.count) { write(" " + beginRow + " to " + maxThisPage + " of " + client.count + " ") if(beginRowPreviousPage > 0) { write(" < Previous 20 ") } else { } write("| Next 20 >") } else { write(" " + beginRow + " to " + client.count + " of " + client.count + " ") if(beginRowPreviousPage > 0) { write(" | < Previous 20 ") } else { } } write("All Prices are in eaches and are stated in " + client.cname + " " + client.ccode + "
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