if(!database.connected()) database.connect("ORACLE", "2:ORCL", "CUB", "CREEK", "") if (!database.connected()) write("Error: Unable to connect to database.") else // remove any existing non-versitex order line details for this order number database.beginTransaction(); cursor = database.cursor("select * from cub.detail where mfno not like 'versitex' and orderno = " + client.ORDERNUMBER,true); cursor.next(); statusCode = cursor.deleteRow("cub.detail"); cursor.close(); if (statusCode == 0 ) { database.commitTransaction() } else { database.rollbackTransaction() }
if(client.Name == null) { write("  Log In") } else { write("  Welcome, " + client.Name + " ") } go to privacy policy Privacy  |  My Account  
go to home page
if(client.ORDERNUMBER == 'A') { redirect("home.html") } else { } if(client.ORDERNUMBER == null) { redirect("home.html") } else { } cursor = database.cursor("SELECT SUM(QUANTITY)SUMQUANTITY FROM cub.DETAIL_VIEW WHERE QUANTITY > .5 AND ORDERNO = "+client.ORDERNUMBER); cursor.next(); if(cursor.SUMQUANTITY < 1) { redirect("home.html"); cursor.close(); } else if(client.ORDERLINENUMBER == null) { client.ORDERLINENUMBER = 1 } else var count = 0; write(""); write(""); write(""); write(""); header1.close();
 Your Shopping Cart
"); header= database.cursor("select * from cub.header where ORDERNUMBER = "+client.ORDERNUMBER); while(header.next()); header1 = database.cursor("select TO_CHAR(ORDERDATE,'Month.DD.YYYY') ORDERDATE from cub.header where ORDERNUMBER = "+client.ORDERNUMBER+""); header1.next(); cart = database.cursor("select LINENO, UPC, DESCRIPTION, QUANTITY, CSYMBOL, TO_CHAR(PRICE,'999,999.99') PRICE, TO_CHAR(EXTPRICE,'999,999.99') EXTPRICE from cub.detail_view where QUANTITY > 0 AND ORDERNO = "+client.ORDERNUMBER+" order by lineno "); write(""); write(""); write(""); write(""); write(""); write(""); write(""); while(cart.next()) { count = count + 1; write(""); write(""); write(""); write(""); write(""); } cart.close(); total = database.cursor("SELECT SUM(QUANTITY)SUMQUANTITY, TO_CHAR((SUM(EXTPRICE)),'999,999.99')SUMEXTPRICE FROM cub.DETAIL_VIEW WHERE QUANTITY > .5 AND ORDERNO = "+client.ORDERNUMBER); while(total.next()); write(""); write(""); client.totalQuantity = total.SUMQUANTITY; client.totalDollars = total.SUMEXTPRICE; total.close; write("
"+cart.DESCRIPTION+""+cart.PRICE+""+cart.CSYMBOL +""+cart.EXTPRICE+"
Sub-total before "); if(client.PriceLevel == null) { write("") } else { write("") } write("shipping, insurance & sales tax" + total.SUMQUANTITY + "" + client.csymbol + "" + total.SUMEXTPRICE + "
All currency is stated in " + client.cname + " " + client.ccode + "

"); write(""); write(""); write(""); write("
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  • Stock orders for Finished Rods, Components, Supplies, Equipment, Fishing Line and Training Materials should ship in 2 to 3 days.
  • Custom Rods should be built and shipped within 4 to 6 weeks.
  • You should receive an Email shipping notice the day your order ships.

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Fishing Rod Blanks

A broad selection of highly engineered Rod Blanks for every type of fishing including the complete line from Shikari® Lamiglas® Pacific Bay® & Sabre®
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Rod Building Components

Top brands of rod building components including reel seats, guides, tops, butts, threads and thousands of other products from Fuji® Pacific Bay® and other renown manufacturers.
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Rod Building Supplies

that do the job right! -- cements, varnishes, dressings, glues, brushes & hand tools of the trade manufactured by Gudebrod®, U-40 Trondak, Flex Coat & Fuji®
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Rod Building Equipment

There's the correct machine for every job and Versitex offers you the best values in Rod Wrapping, Rod Drying, Rod Finishing and other Rod Building Marchines.
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For beginners to experts, we offer a complete range of Books and Videos that show "How To" design and build rods, custom rods as well as how to weave and wrap.
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Fishing Line

Including Battle Line, Dacron, Teflon Coated Dacron, Super G Loop, Shooting Line, Backing, Leader and Trolling Line and more.